Click on logo at any time to return here.. The site is currently being prepared for new content, and many things are going to be scrapped/replaced there will be a new edition of the book due in Spring/Summer 25, please check back often.
Click due to a faulty PHP update, forums are not working, I will try to restore them asap
Scratchpad Games is the informal trading name for Game Developer, Brian Beuken. This is a work in progress site, things are (still) slowly being added and a full review of the code is in progress to make it easier to progress. Once all the content is in place and checked, one of my students has promised to help me do a "cooler" website.
Welcome to MagPi Readers who may have just started to work on the beginners C++ course., Feel free to mail me at the email address below for specific questions or help.
If you are having trouble locating the source the MagPi Tutorials, Please just check the forums!I've been writing Games for over 42(gulp) years, on all kinds of systems, and have over 75 projects published, some good, some bad, and a couple of bloody terrible ones, but when you are a contract coder you can't always get to pick the good titles. In that time I've built up a lot of experience which I now pass on to a new generation of coders by teaching at Breda University of Applied Sciences, IGAD program in Breda, The Netherlands, which has been my home for the last 10 happy years. By teaching new students I've found ways to get them interested and excited about coding and worked out ways to move them beyond just learning languages so thay can start to understand and enjoy, some of the more challenging aspects of game development.
In Feb/March 2018 My book, The Fundamentals of C/C++ Game Programming: Using Target-based Development on SBC’s) was released, which I hope will allow me to share some of these teaching ideas and get more new game developers interested in the nuts and bolts of game development and not rely on Engines to do all the work for them.
If you bought the book, please take the time to register on the forums, say hello, and feel free to ask for help if you need it, I will respond as quickly as I can to all questions.
Last update 12/03/2025 adding book 2 content
Transferring to a new PC so this will soon update or else break horribly
Corrections and Improvements
Games, Demo, Tools and Samples
I'll add a few fun things over time using the book code as foundation.
More Games, Tools and Samples
If you write some games using the book code, please feel free to send them here and we can let others look at your code.
©2017-2025 - Brian Beuken